Albino mutations

Feb-2022 first albino individual from Bright Poppy strain breeding tank
I think all the albino strain came out from sudden mutation of a strain line, if you keep working on a strain, you will get albino eventually. I was thinking first albino would be from Transnow as original source had albino orange. (I did end up get albino Transnow as well, which I will cover in albino Transnow which I am still working on the strain). I first spot albino mutation from Bright Poppy when Bright Poppy strain just established. I think the early albino mutation is from the original starting albino orange some how help or speed up the albino mutation. most of time albino mutation happens in late stage of strain which has been cross breed among the strains for many generation. and darker color strain is less likely to have albino mutation.
This is not a return gene of original albino orange which I think has been completely removed due to many generation and cross breeding on different strains to create bright poppy, also we only got one male at that time, the picture showed the first male I got from one batch, This male was almost 2 years old by the time the picture was taken. it clearly showed all the characters of Bright Poppy with very heavy dark orange body.
Jun-2022 Raising tank for albino
The first albino male showed two typical early albino mutation signs, Bright poppy has spread black spots on males’ tale, which I can see that from the first albino male as well, but definitely not black as albino should be lack of black segments. those appeared to be very low rate transparent while/grey spots.
The second sign was the dark red eyes, even the circle around eyes was red. I see this from feeding red color enhancement individuals, but this is early sign of albino from a dark color strain.
Since I only have one albino, and I do not have extra tank to create a albino strain at that time. I decide to keep it in a customized tank showed on the picture. It is a customized 2 feet long 1 fee wide but 10 inch high tank, I keep heavy terrarium plants with all greens above the water and roots and stems under the water.
The picture was taken in later stage which I start using this tank to host all the albinos I continue getting from other strains.
This tank has very small submerge filter to circulate the water and plants did most of filtration. in max it can host 40+ adult guppies with 50% weekly water change.

March-2023 Start the albino bright poppy
As I got more and more albino individuals from different strains, I put them all in the same raising tank, and by the time of March 2023, they start breeding in this raising tank, and the first albino bright poppy has mated with different females from Transnow and SkySilk, (I never got female albino mutation from bright poppy). and I got tank full with different albinos and with second generation of bright poppy with mix of different strain females.
I decided to separate them and try to continue on the albino strains, I separated albino Transnow and albino SkySilk (very beautiful strains, I will update in their own story line). and leave albino bright poppy continue on this tank.
March-2024 The varieties of albino bright poppy
Due to the single original male of bright poppy mixed with other strains of females, the off springs showed much lighter orange with all type of varieties, I got exactly the same of original male but just lighter in color and with more orange spots on the tail, I got sort of orange version of Transnow (I do have such non albino mutation) albino, I also got one tiger or leopard skin orange as well.
I am still working on the direction to what varieties I would like to continue, the same as regular strains, certainly I can not continue with all type of varieties , I just need to choose one which fit my aesthetic and preference to continue with. so I may end up change the name if I create something new beyond just albino mutation of Bright Poppy.

September -2024 Start of albino mutations
After 6 month of albino working, I finalized 4 strains to continue, they are albino sunshine, albino Transnow, albino fireflame and albino snowleopard
I did not continue with albino bright poppy, there are many reasons, I have limited tank space, and I found similar albino (orange albino) already available in the market. and most important the albino bight poppy characters did not meet my aesthetic expectation. purple body with transparent dot in an orange tail just not appears to be harmonious.
With the four albino strains in development, I change this post to take records of mutations from albino strains.
Nov-2024 Mutation – orange tail with pattern
Albino mutations seem fairly stable compare with regular guppies. If I would like to breed them to create a strain, I should be able to get it stabled in 2-3 generations. I have three main type of albino mutations, each of them I have about 4 to 5 very similar ones, and they are stable and similar enough to even qualify as a strain.
One of the main mutation is from albino brightpoppy I tried to establish a strain with. now this gene has been carried through Albino fireflame, This mutation is not exactly like the albino brightpoppy. it is more like the albino version of orange transnow but with some spots on the tail. Some them may develop some patterns on the tail as well. This mutation is mainly from albino fireflame and some time I can have some similar from the albino sunshine.

Nov -2024 Mutation- Orange cloud
These mutations are mainly from albino sunshine, basically orange and golden yellow has been faded and only have very light orange on certain areas like orange cloud on a white sky.
Although the orange cloud appears in different place of the body for each individuals, but all of them seems to have very consistent display character otherwise.
Nov-2024 Mutation – Mutation – Golden white
This mutation is mainly from Albino transnow line, actually there is a type of mutation from the regular transnow appears to be very similar like this albino version, golden body with white tail and dorsal fin.
as I modify the albino Transnow to carry the red dots on the tail, so I cull the regular albino Transnow without the red dots as in this mutation type as well, so you may see an albino version of Transnow with a single red dot on the lower body and more white on the up and lower side of tail with yellow in the center, almost the exactly the same as the regular Transnow but with orange eye balls.