Albino SnowLeopard

Oct 2024 The Starting of SnowLeopard
Among all the albino males, we have two types of males with dots on their tail, I would like to continue creating a line with that, the two males showed in the picture on the left , the top one should be albino transnow, one type of mutation from Transnow has orange/red spots. The bottom one should contains certain genes from GreenRadial with the typical radial orange spots.
Both of males are far away from what I would like to create, I would like to have a white base color with more orange spots.
It is try out to keep two different types of males to aim and develop to the same direction of characters. certainly two males can not exchange any genes, but hopefully the females can carry some genes from each males on the offsprings and cross breed to unify into one strain. Although female plays very small role on strain creation and also really hard to change the look of females, but the genes can be carried to the next generation males although it might not display at all on the females.
Jun-2022 Raising tank for albino