March-2021 The starting of BlueLazuli
We brought a new line of black Moscow to cross with a Transnow female, we expect to have a lot of varieties, we produced two batches and ended with a lot of different depth of blue in male and light brown body female (like wild type), there were some mutations and throw backs.
We used throw backs into Transnow line to strong the line. and we pick a very dark blue version male to continue a new line called BlueLazuli. A almost black version with metal blue reflection.
Feb-2022 Breeding tank update
We use 10 gallon tank and aquascaped with Hygrophila pinnatifida and Seiryu stone for breeding tank.Once pinnatifida established root system on the rock, it grows like crazy, it grows out the tank and provides a great shade and cover to prevent guppy from jumping out the tank specially during the light on and off time. also above water parts is beautiful looking, it is dense and bright green.
This aquascape also has some draw backs, the top layer blocks most of light, once it grows too dense, the sub water plant section dies off to root only. It is also super hard to remove fish to growing tank with all the root and sticks. Heavy trimming required.
Nov-2022 Line establishing time
After five generation, we are able to confirm a dark blue version which we called BlueLazuli, Lazuli is a favorite gemstone with brilliant blue variety. The male stays almost black from normal light, but when swim cross the tank, you will be amazed to see different variety of blue shining through his body. One of the photo on the left took with a flash light for the same fish , you can see how much different the color shows.
The female took us a while to get black color on tail and fins, We want the body to be brown as wild form and we would like to add some blue color. We also would like to make female’s tale more wider and bigger, we got some mutation but have not be able to stable the genes.
This is not matured line yet, we got about 10% throw back and another 30% of mutations, until now, we some time even ends with 1 or 2 totally yellow female just like Transnow. another 60% we got different variety of blue in which about 30% ends up good BlueLazuli.
Jun-2023 Raising tank update
Since this is establishing , Male and Female raising tanks both have some fishes we need to move to mutation rasing tank later.
We do weekly rotation water changes among our 15 30G tanks for our guppy program. We use smart irregaration system, works perfect as I can do water change anytime anywhere.
Since this is very color specific breed, as of June 2023, we are only be able to select 60 male individuals and not all of them represents the highest quality of this line.