Jan-2022 Line start time
We got males with color spots and stripes on their tails from really early time, it should be mutations as I two original pairs were both solid color. We came cross white with black dots, black with white dots, blue with orange strips etc.. some individuals were really beautiful but the offspring were no where near.
After we had all our attention into other lines, one mutation from our SkySilk got our attention, the male has orange radial spots with white surrounded on the tail center, and edge of tail has black white strips. The body turn into green color rather than sky blue with the very representative red dot on the lower body.
We named this line GreenRadial
Jun-2022 Breeding tank introduction
We challenged ourselves to create a Dutch style 10 gallon breeding tank. Dutch style aquascape requires daily maintenance with bright lights and more frequently water changes.
We fed our breeding groups with newly hatched brine shrimps, that gave this tank a big issue as brine shrimps can hide among the dense plants along with egg shells. Fishes can not get to them, and they will die in couple hours and water will start accumulating ammonia quickly, problems rapidly grow if we do not change water in a day or two. We have to control our feeding with enough portion which can be finished by breeding groups before the brine shrimp lava gets chance to escape into plants, we can keep doing the small portion one after another until some of fries swim away.
April-2023 Raising tank introduction
Nothing special about the raising tanks, similar setup as other lines. Since this line is just starting on couple breeding generation, we keep all the offspring in the raising tanks for easy selection by comparing the different representations of males and females.
We have some big tanks for raising males and females which were out of primary and secondary lines selection. Once we have defined the characters of male and female, and we got consistent 30% plus individuals on offspring with the same representations, we will start main and secondary line selection to stabilize.