
Feb-2020 The start of all lines
The breeding program started with Black Moscow and Albino Orange.
Unfortunately we lost original males pictures, the top black male was the second generation from the breeding, it is pretty much whole black but we can start seeing some white patterns showed on the edge of his tail, and the bottom picture was second generation as well, this one very much kept parent look, although it looked more redder.
We started from 2 pairs from each side, and have no prospects on what we try to create. In general idea, we may get color varieties in black, blue from black Moscow and yellow, orange and red from Albino Orange. Hopefully when black meets albino, we will got some white/light blue.
Since we do not know the stream sources of 4 original pairs, we were not surprise to see some spots or even color patterns throw back to the line.
Feb-2020 Breeding tank introduction
We want to enjoy the beauty of aquascape while the breeding pairs can mate and female can give the birth in the tank with a lot of hiding place for fries.It took about 2 months to get tank to be breeding ready, we add CO2 for plants, for the
first 2-3 weeks , breeding pairs seems to have not enough oxygen during the date time when CO2 is on, we added air pump to help out. When plants started growing rapidly, we removed the air pump, and breeding pairs seems doing fine.
Fries have no problem since they born in the tank. We got about 20 to 30 fries from each birth, not a lot compare to the method to isolate female only breeding tank or net, but we are happy with number of fries and we do not want to over crowed the tank as we need to keep the fries with parents until be able to tell the sexy.

March-2021 Line establishing time
We was thinking it will be super difficult to get a white tail fish out of Black Moscow and Albino Orange, but after 3 generations, we were able to get 80% of off spring males with almost white tail and top fin and all yellow on females. We think the albino gene helped.
Male has lower body more yellow extends to beginning portion of tail, there are 2-3 red/pink dots on some of the males body, similar to the wild guppy, we decided to keep it , pretty cool feature.
Males can reach about 1.5 inches, consider small in all our breeding lines. and tail is almost the same length as the body. Top fin normally can grow pass half of the tail.
Female is very similar to the Albino Orange’s female except the eyes are black. Some of the females may get some white on the tails or top fins, but very rare and hard to keep in this direction.
July-2022 Line matured time
After another 4 generations, this line is very stable, almost 100% match rate on off springs. Not much difference since the third generation, enhanced with more solid white on males. Females became more yellow than orange.
We fed them live brine shrimp in the morning and special guppy pellets on the afternoon.
We do weekly 50% water change on breeding tank.
To speed up the line build, for the first 3-5 generations, we select 2 males and 3 females and we will replace males and females with next generation once all three females bred once. First couple generations will gave many different varieties in colors, bred once so we did not need to raise hundreds of guppies which distracts from line creation
Female is very difficult to pick as they may carry different color genes even they looks the same since color gene most represented in males.

Apr-2023 Raising tank update
Our raising tanks is 30G with sponge filter and automated water change system. We also floating plants trimmed from breeding tanks. Most of plants can do ok with just floating after trimmed, they will develop roots and ready to be planted.
Male tank is easier to keep male only as we only add fish into tank when they are able to be sexed. Female tank is a little bit tricky , we are trying our best to seperate male and female as soon as they can be told apart. but some time we still ends up either a male fish in the female tank or a fernerized female which will breed in the raising tank.
We normally stock the rasing tank with 100-150 fishes, feed once a day with new hatched brine shrimp and 1mm gyppy pellets.
Aug-2024 breeding tank change
After line matured for two years, I start changing the breeding program, instead of having breeding tank, fry raise tank and male/female separate raising tanks, I have a large group breeding tank, which I pick 3 adult female to go with a group of females(7 to 10), I will have the fries remain with the breeding group, for males, as soon as I can tell the sex, I will select them into a mixed male only tank which hosts many established strain males. for female, I will do the same thing to a female only mixed raising tank.
I will do breeding group replacement (1 male &2 females) every 6 month so breeding group may mixed with 2-3 generations .
I still need to do curl on the breeding tank in weekly basis or anytime I spot any mutations even for a matured strain.